02/02/2023 às 16:46 Wedding


5min de leitura

“For later to remember…” or “Forever…” are probably the expressions that best describe the importance of the coverage and photographic record of any wedding. In fact, months and months of plans, ideas and decisions come down to the day when the couple finally exchange vows and start living together.

So, you have the perfect man, the dress you always dreamed of, the utopian decoration in a charming space ... Everything is ready for you to live the day you have always dreamed of, so now you just need to think about how to eternize the moments that will be lived here and the emotions experienced. In addition to this, it is essential that you know how to achieve surprisingly stunning wedding photographs and, consequently, a sublime photo album that will ensure that the moments will remain and do not fade over time ...

Thus, it is essential that any photographic record is faithful to all the moments that constitute the wedding day. One of the key points to achieve this is to hire and rely on the excellence of the professional himself. However, for the photographs to convey all the elegance and refinement that marked your special day, there is also a group of tips on posture, behavior and poses that you should adopt so that nothing fails.

1. Genuineness and spontaneity

The most significant moments are those that are not planned. It is those unexpected tears and sincere laughter that were spontaneously released. It is, indeed, in this aspect that lies one of the secrets for a real photo album and true to the feelings, which invaded a day that aims at the celebration of love.According to Vanessa Trettel, a team of photographers who perceive themselves as narrators of the most enchanting love stories and who bet on creativity and originality to make the most irreverent records, “what matters is that the couple feel at ease with the professionals you choose, to enjoy every moment with intensity “, because your primary objective is to achieve the perfect photograph that“ captures the essence of each couple, space, moments and details “, so in your opinion“ you don't want to pose nor formality, since the beauty of all the moments that are provided are in naturalness and spontaneity “.

2. Harmony

When the mission is to obtain spectacular and exceptional photographs of the wedding day, the harmony that is established between the couple is essential, so that everything flows in an extremely natural way. So, for there to be a visible harmony between the couple, Vanessa Trettel creates "lively conversations and memories of moments between the two, asking key questions to get this idea ... The final result is always rewarding". In addition to the harmony that is created here, a closer relationship is also established with the photographer, which is fundamental.

3. Smile naturally

This point, in a way, meets the spontaneity that has already been mentioned. Even if you are smiling purposefully at the photograph, make it appear that the smile is natural and genuine. The trick here is not to smile too forcefully or too much. Think of things that make you happy and let out a little shy smile.4. Find your best side

We all know that our face is not perfectly symmetrical, so we have the side we like best. So, if you still haven't figured out which side looks best in the photos, practice the possible poses with your face slightly turned to both sides, to see which one works best. As soon as you know you rock the photos with your right profile, for example, you already know what you have to do ...Vanessa Trettel Photography is one of the teams of photographers who knows how to capture their best side, their unique style and their special essence. This company that excels in the photography sector at the level will, in this way, tell its love story through the images in which it will rock.

5. Pose in a straight way

When posing for a photograph, the goal is to achieve an image in which we look elegant, healthy, confident and happy. So, you should adopt a straight posture, without appearing too rigid.6. Tranquility and relaxation

This is one of the most important points, as the bride and groom must feel “at ease” with the photographer they hired. Thus, they should take a deep breath and enter a vibe of relaxation, in which the professional must also be part. What great photographers want is for their boyfriends to be extremely relaxed, despite all the emotions they feel and which are part of their wedding day. However, to feel calm and relaxed, it is necessary that the bride and groom feel at ease with the professional hired. Vanessa Trettel Photography has the power to leave all couples at ease, while recording and immortalizing the details, the caresses and good times that the bride and groom are the protagonists of.

7. Pay attention to the legs

Although the legs in most cases are covered by the wedding dress, these limbs are one of the aspects that should not be overlooked. In this way, you can always slightly bend your leg or even cross them.8. Allow some time for photographs

The wedding day is an extremely important date for everyone, for which all moments are meaningful and full of feelings. For this reason it is important that the bride and groom reserve a little bit of this day to live a lovely photo session, “to date a little, without the guests around you, they and the photographers appeal, 20/30 minutes, in no hurry to return to party"

9. Smile with your eyes

Even if you are not literally smiling, try to smile with your eyes and convey happiness through them. Abstract yourself from the nervousness or stress you may be feeling and simply enjoy the moment. In this way, focus on one point, so that your gaze does not reflect the idea that you are confused or lost. In this context, the eyes are one of the great protagonists and they tell the story, as well as the emotions.

As you can see, it is super easy to achieve the perfect photograph of your wedding day. So relax and make the most of it!

And if you want to do me the honor of photographing them, just get in touch. It will be incredible!!!

02 Fev 2023


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