29/05/2020 às 18:21

Front Porch Mini Session, is it really safe? What to expect from this session?

3min de leitura

Photographers around the country are  shooting "porchraits" documenting families in this strange time.

All the time  we see different photography trends arise. Now, we're seeing something new: portrait sessions of families posing in front of their homes, smiling at the safely distanced photographer. But, is this a wise move of documenting social history or a risk that is not worth taking?

We've all heard it and we all know it: we should stay inside and socially distance from others to give our countries a fighting chance to decrease the spread of the virus. And we all have been hit hard by this new reality, especially those whose businesses have plummeted, so what do we consider a safe way of working in photography with the current circumstances? Can we truly ensure we have taken every single step to avoid making matters worse for ourselves and those around us?

We live in a world that doesn't stop, and suddenly the world stopped. Many families for the first time can spend 24 hours with their children, mothers have become teachers, rooms have become offices, highways have become empty.But life doesn’t stop, many good things happened at this time, the sky got clearer, the beach and seas started to have more wildlife. And even among us, many have created new work habits and no longer want to return to the same routine as before. 

And at this time, many mothers continue to have children, young people are graduating even at a distance, and what would be the history without photography?

A new trend of "porch sessions" has sprung up during this emotionally and financially challenging time where photographers offer to photograph individuals and families in front of their homes or through their windows or glass doors. 

 This trend originated from the Front Steps Project in Massachusetts and has begun to spread all over the world. It's very likely that you know someone in your friends circle who has either pursued this or has been photographed as subjects. Although the upside is that many photographers do donate the session money towards COVID-19 relief projects and organizations and others do it for absolutely free, there is still no guarantee that the photographer and their client have taken every precaution to avoid health hazards.

The photos are taken from cars, sidewalks or sidewalks and include families posing on the porches, sometimes in costumes, sometimes with props and others with pictures of cards making jokes about social detachment. In general, the session lasts between 10 and 30 minutes. The project gained popularity across the country, as the COVID-19 opens in difficult times for photographers, as weddings and other events have been delayed and people have postponed taking family, engagement or elderly photos.Front Porch Mini-Sessions! We can stay safe during this pandemic and make memories. 

And how will the photos be delivered? 

Vanessa Trettel Photography have the entire process of choosing and delivering the photos is done online, yet another way to reduce contact between the photographer and the client.

Let’s document this weird time we’re all in with a family portrait on your porch. 

All social distancing safety guidelines will be followed. Contact me to schedule!

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29 Mai 2020

Front Porch Mini Session, is it really safe? What to expect from this session?

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CT front porch photo front porch front porch mini front porch projet Front Steps Project

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